Manage Assessments


Assign New Assessment for an Examinee


  1. Click the home link from the header navigation menu (or click the Examinee tab). Examinee table will display.
  2. Search the examinee table for the examinee.
  3. Click the check box next to the examinee's name.
  4. Click the Assign New Assessment button above the table.  A pop up window will display.
  5. Select the Assessment. The Assessment Details page will display.
  6. Enter the information for the assessment.
  7. Click Save


View/Edit Assessment Records


  1. Click Home to return to the main menu (this is also the Examinee List page) or click the Examinee tab.
  2. Search the examinee table for the examinee.
  3. Select the examinee record by clicking any field on the row. The Examinee Details page will open.
  4. The examinee details page will display an assessment table that lists all the assessments associated with the examinee.
  5. Select the assessment record by clicking any field on the row. The Assessment Details page will open.
  6. Click Edit.


Viewing All Assessment Records for an Examinee


The Examinee Details page allows you to view/edit the examinee's demographic data and displays all the assessment records for an examinee.  







  Assign New Assessment

  Assign a new assessment for the examinee.   

  Unassign Assessment(s)

  Unassigns an assessment for the examinee.  Only Assessments with a status of
 "Ready for Reporting" can be unassigned.

  Delete Assessment(s)

  Delete an assessment for an examinee.  

  Generate Report

  Generate a report for an assessment.  You can only generate a report for an assessments
 with a status of "Ready for Reporting".  



Assessment Status Types


Status Type


  Needs Verification

  Assessment record needs to be verified.  

  Needs Editing

  Assessment record contains data errors that prevent it from being scored.

  Ready for Reporting

  Assessment record is ready to generate.  No reported errors.

  Ready for Administration

  Assessment record is ready to administer or ready for manual entry of scores.

  Administration in Progress

  Assessment record delivered by OSA is in progress.

  Edit in Progress

  Assessment record is currently being edited.

  Ready to Resume

  Assessment record delivered by OSA is ready to resume testing.

  Report Generated

  Report has been generated for this assessment record.



Additional Information