Creating a New Examinee


How to Add a New Examinee


  1. Click Home to return to the main menu (this is also the Examinee List page).

  2. Click the New Examinee button.

  3. Complete the required fields and any additional information.

  4. Click Save.  This will return you to the examinee list (home page).





History Section


Entering examinee information in the history section is optional. This information is used to generate Interpretative reports for several products.




Duplicate Examinee Records


You can enter examinee records with the same First Name, Last Name, ID and Birth Date combination; however, you will receive a message indicating a record already exists with this information. You can choose to continue creating the new record or cancel, which will discard all the information you entered and return you to the Examinee list page.


Additional Information