Entering KTEA-3 Brief Scores

The KTEA™–3 Brief is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure of core academic skills for grades prekindergarten through 12, or ages 4 through 25. Three achievement domains are measured by the KTEA–3 Brief: reading (single word reading and passage comprehension), mathematics (computation and problem solving), and written language (spelling and written expression).


The KTEA-3 Brief contains 5 composites and 6 subtests.


The KTEA-3 Brief is manual entry only and has two tabs: Overview and Subtests.


Overview Tab

Administration Settings

This section contains general administration information such as Administration Date, Age at Administration, and Examiner name. Administration Date and Examiner are both required. Optionally, you can specify a Testing Site.


Assessment Demographics

The assessment demographics are as follows:

Field Name


Current grade

or highest grade completed

The student's current grade or highest grade completed at the time of testing.


This is a required field. If a grade is not selected, subtest entry is disabled.


Medication (optional)

Any applicable medications taken by the student.


Reason for referral (optional)

The reason a student was referred for testing.



Subtests Tab

Subtest display is based on student's grade level. Only subtests applicable to the student's grade level will be displayed.





Math Concepts & Applications


This subtest allows raw score entry only.

Letter & Word Recognition


This subtest allows raw score entry only.

Math Computation


This subtest allows raw score entry only.

Reading Comprehension


This subtest allows raw score entry after a set has been selected from the drop-down.

Written Expression


This subtest allows raw score entry after a level has been selected from the drop-down.



This subtest allows raw score entry only.


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