Entering WAIS-5 Scores

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale® (5th ed.; WAIS®-5; Wechsler, 2024) is an individually administered, comprehensive clinical instrument for assessing the intelligence of adolescents and adults ages 16:0–90:11. This revision of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (4th ed.; WAIS–IV; Wechsler, 2008) provides subtest and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in specific cognitive domains (e.g., processing speed, working memory), as well as a composite score that represents general intellectual ability (i.e., Full Scale IQ [FSIQ]), and several other composite scores used for special situations (e.g., Nonverbal Index [NVI] for examinees with declining or impaired expressive language). Additional process scores intended for optional clinical interpretation are available.


The WAIS-5 comprises 20 subtests (10 Primary, 10 Secondary), an FSIQ composite, five primary index scores, 15 ancillary index scores, and 13 process scores. Standard scores are derived using age-based norms. Reference group scaled score equivalents are also available. Raw score manual entry and a WAIS-5 Score Report are available on Q-global®.


The WAIS-5 on Q-global includes Manual Entry with an Overview tab and a Subtests tab. The Overview tab includes entry of administration settings and assessment demographics. The Subtests tab allows for subtest-level raw score entry.


Overview Tab

Administration Settings

This section contains general administration information such as administration date, examinee's age at administration, and examiner.

Assessment Demographics

This section contains the assessment demographics listed in the table below. All of the assessment demographic data fields are optional entry.



Race/Ethnicity (optional) The examinee's race/ethnicity.

Handedness (optional)

The examinee's handedness (preference for the use of the left and/or right hand).

Primary language (optional)

The examinee's primary spoken language.
Years of education (optional) The number of years of education the examinee has completed.

Is this a retest? (optional)

The software will automatically select "Yes" for the "Is this a retest?" question if there is a previous WAIS-5 assessment saved for the examinee. This denotes that the examinee has taken the WAIS-5 at least once before.


The software will automatically select "No" for the "Is this a retest?" question if there is not a previous WAIS-5 assessment saved for the examinee. The "No" should remain selected if this is the first administration of a WAIS-5.

Comments (optional)

Allows the examiner to enter additional comments.


Subtests Tab

Use the WAIS-5 Administration and Scoring Manual to score subtest items and obtain the total raw score for each subtest. Data entry for each subtest is optional. A blank field is not a valid value for scoring purposes. A value (e.g., 0-36) should be entered to trigger a calculated score (depending on the raw score range).


Raw Score Range


      -Total raw score


 0 to 36

Block Design

     -Total raw score

     -Block Design No Time Bonus (BDn)

     -Block Design Partial (BDp)

     -Block Design Dimension Errors (BDde)

     -Block Design Rotation Errors (BDre)


 0 to 66

 0 to 48

 0 to 97

 0 to 12

 0 to 8

Matrix Reasoning

     -Total raw score


 0 to 26

Digits Forward

     -Total raw score

     -Longest Digits Forward (LDf)


 0 to 24

 0, 2 to 10

Digit Sequencing

     -Total raw score

     -Longest Digit Sequence (LDq)


 0 to 24

 0, 2 to 9


     -Total raw score


 0 to 135


     -Total raw score


 0 to 45

Figure Weights

     -Total raw score


 0 to 40

Visual Puzzles

     -Total raw score


 0 to 25

Running Digits

     -Total raw score

     -Longest Running Digits (LRd)


 0 to 49

 0 to 6, 14

Symbol Search

     -Total raw score

     -Symbol Search Set Errors (SSse)

     -Symbol Search Rotation Errors (SSre)


 0 to 60

 0 to 30

 0 to 30


     -Total raw score


 0 to 24


     -Total raw score


 0 to 25

Digits Backward

     -Total raw score

     -Longest Digits Backward (LDb)


 0 to 24

 0, 2 to 8

Symbol Span

     -Total raw score


 0 to 44

Naming Speed Quantity

     -Total raw score

     -Naming Speed Quantity Errors (NSQe)


 0 to 150

 0 to 40


     -Total raw score


 0 to 36

Set Relations

     -Total raw score


 0 to 32

Spatial Addition

     -Total raw score


 0 to 23

Letter-Number Sequencing

     -Total raw score

     -Longest Letter-Number Sequence (LLNs)


 0 to 24

 0, 2 to 8


Age Validation

The examinee's 'Age at Administration' will be calculated using the 'Administration Date'. The system will validate that the examinee's age is within the required age range for administration and scoring of the WAIS-5 (i.e., 16:0 to 90:11 years).

Command Buttons

When you click the Proceed to Reports or Save updates button, the assessment is saved and the system checks to ensure all the required data has been entered. If any required data is missing (e.g., Examiner), the record will be saved and a message will be displayed at the top of the screen describing the condition(s) that must be resolved before a report can be generated for the record.