Display Component |
Description |
Additional Demographics | |
Grade | The examinee’s grade. |
Race/Ethnicity | The examinee’s race/ethnicity. |
Choose a Model | Model that was administered to the examinee: CHC (FCI), Luria (MPI), or Nonverbal (NVI). |
Out-of-Level Battery (nested under Choose a Model) |
Identifies if an out-of-level test was administered to the examinee. |
Background Questions | |
Reason for Referral | The reason the examinee was referred for testing. |
Primary Language | The language the examinee primarily speaks. |
Primary Language Spoken at Home | The language primarily spoken in the examinee’s home. |
Mother’s Highest Level of Education | The highest education level of the examinee’s mother. |
Father’s Highest Level of Education | The highest education level of the examinee’s father. |
Perceptual/Motor Impairment? | Identifies if the examinee has a perceptional or motor impairment. |
Corrective Device/Modification Used During Testing? | Identifies if a corrective device or modification was using during the examinee’s testing. |
Behavioral Observations | Identifies any behavioral observations displayed by the examinee during testing. |
Subtests are administered based on the examinee’s age and model.
Note. Rebus Delayed scores will not be provided if Rebus raw score is less than 4.
C = Core
S = Supplementary subtest
O = Out-of-level subtest
Ages 3:0-3:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
C |
C |
C |
Face Recognition |
C |
C |
C |
Story Completion |
Number Recall |
S |
S |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
Atlantis Delayed |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
C |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
S |
Rebus |
O |
O |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
Hand Movements |
O |
O |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 4:0-4:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
C |
C |
C |
Face Recognition |
C |
C |
C |
Story Completion |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
Atlantis Delayed |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
C |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
S |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 5:0-5:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
C |
C |
C |
Face Recognition |
S |
S |
C |
Story Completion |
O |
O |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
O |
O |
Atlantis Delayed |
S |
S |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
C |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
S |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
S |
S |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
C |
C |
C |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
O |
O |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 6:0-6:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
C |
C |
C |
Face Recognition |
Story Completion |
S |
S |
C |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
C |
C |
Atlantis Delayed |
S |
S |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
C |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
S |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
S |
S |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
C |
C |
C |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
S |
S |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 7:0-8:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
Face Recognition |
Story Completion |
C |
C |
C |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
C |
C |
Atlantis Delayed |
S |
S |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
S |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
C |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
S |
S |
C |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
C |
C |
C |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
S |
S |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 9:0-12:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
Face Recognition |
Story Completion |
C |
C |
C |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
C |
C |
Atlantis Delayed |
O |
O |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
S |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
C |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
C |
C |
C |
Block Counting |
S |
S |
C |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
C |
C |
C |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
S |
S |
Riddles |
S |
C |
Ages 13:0-18:11 |
Luria |
Nonverbal |
Atlantis |
C |
C |
Conceptual Thinking |
Face Recognition |
Story Completion |
C |
C |
C |
Number Recall |
C |
C |
Gestalt Closure |
S |
S |
Rover |
C |
C |
Atlantis Delayed |
O |
O |
Expressive Vocabulary |
S |
S |
Verbal Knowledge |
S |
C |
Rebus |
C |
C |
Triangles |
O/S1 |
O/S1 |
C |
Block Counting |
C |
C |
C |
Word Order |
C |
C |
Pattern Reasoning |
C |
C |
C |
Hand Movements |
S |
S |
C |
Rebus Delayed |
O |
O |
Riddles |
S |
C |
1The Triangles subtest is considered out-of-level when no time points are used. If time points are used, the subtest is considered a supplementary test.
When entering raw scores, leave a field blank to signify that the subtest wasn’t administered. If you enter a score for a subtest that is a valid substitute for a missing core subtest, you will be asked whether you want to substitute the entered subtest for the missing subtest. If there are two missing core subtests that have the same supplemental subtest, you will be asked to choose which core subtest (if any) you would like to substitute for the supplementary subtest. If a supplemental subtest is not administered, it will not appear as an option for substitution.
If you choose to substitute a supplemental subtest for a missing core subtest, a “Clear All Substitutions” link will appear at the bottom of the Raw Scores tab. If you click on this link, all substitutions will be cleared, raw scores will remain the same, and the missing core subtest raw score entry field will remain blank. You must "Clear All Substitutions" in order to enter a score for the missing core subtest.
The table below outlines the permitted substitutions for core subtests.
Scale |
Age |
Core |
Substitute |
FCI or MPI |
3 |
Word Order |
Number Recall |
Riddles |
Verbal Knowledge |
Expressive Vocabulary |
Verbal Knowledge |
5 |
Triangles |
Face Recognition |
6 |
Triangles |
Block Counting |
Rover |
Block Counting |
Conceptual Thinking |
Story Completion |
Pattern Reasoning |
Story Completion |
7–12 |
Triangles |
Block Counting |
Rover |
Block Counting |
13–18 |
Rover |
Triangles |
Block Counting |
Triangles |
4–18 |
Word Order |
Hand Movements |
Number Recall |
Hand Movements |
Knowledge/Gc (CHC Model only) |
4–6 |
Riddles |
Verbal Knowledge |
Expressive Vocabulary |
Verbal Knowledge |
7–18 |
Riddles |
Expressive Vocabulary |
Verbal Knowledge |
Expressive Vocabulary |
The out-of-level battery option may be selected for children ages 3 through 6 for the KABC–II NU (age 7 for the KABC–II norms) using the Luria or CHC model and for children ages 5 through 6 for the NVI model. After selecting the out-of-level battery check box, select the level administered from a drop-down menu. The model, examinee’s actual age, and out-of-level battery options are listed in the tables below.
The out-of-level battery subtests that were administered to the examinee will be displayed on the screen rather than the subtests for the examinee’s actual age.
For example, if the CHC model is used for an examinee who is age 5:4, but was administered the battery for 6-year-olds, the subtest names listed for raw score entry will be the subtests usually listed for a 6-year-old, not the subtests usually listed for a 5-year-old.
Out-of-Level Administration for Luria and CHC |
Examinee's Actual Age | Administered Core Battery for Age |
3 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
5 |
3, 4, 6, 7–12 |
6 |
5, 7–12 |
7 (KABC-II only) |
5, 6 |
Out-of-Level Administration for NVI |
Examinee's Actual Age | Administered Core Battery for Age |
5 |
3–4, 6, 7–18 |
6 |
7–18 |
The Story Completion, Triangles, and Pattern Reasoning subtests allow scoring with or without time points for examinees ages 7–18. The Yes radio button is selected as the default option for each subtest under the Time Points? column because it is recommended to use time points for scoring. If the subtest was not administered, select Not Admin to disable raw score entry.