Entering Test of Premorbid Functioning Scores

The Test of Premorbid Functioning (TOPF) is a revised and updated version of the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading designed for clinicians to estimate an individual's level of intellectual functioning before the onset of injury or illness.


The TOPF is manual entry only and has two tabs in Q-global: Demographics and Raw Score


Demographics tab

Display Content



The examinee's handedness (preference for the use of the left, right or both hands).

Primary Language The examinee's primary spoken language.
Is this a Retest?

If checked, this denotes that the examinee has taken this test at least once before.


This open text field is available for the input of additional comments.

Demographics Type This field allows you to select the type of demographics you wish to enter. If "None" is selected, all simple and complex demographic fields will be disabled. If "Simple" is selected, all simple demographic fields will be enabled and required; complex demographics will be disabled. If "Complex" is selected, all simple and complex demographics will be enabled and required.
Note: If "Simple" or "Complex" demographics is chosen, Gender is required.
Simple Demographics
Region The region where the examinee resides.
Race/Ethnicity The examinee’s race/ethnicity.
Highest Years of Education The examinee's highest level of education.
Note: This field appears for examinees ages 20 and older only.
Highest Occupation The examinee's highest occupation level.
Note: This field appears for examinees ages 20 and older only.
Mother's Highest Years of Education The highest education level of the examinee’s mother.
Note: This field appears for examinees ages 16-19 only.
Father's Highest Years of Education The highest education level of the examinee’s father.
Note: This field appears for examinees ages 16-19 only.
Complex Demographics (only applicable to examinee's age 20 and older)
Personal Factors
Hours of sleep last night? Number of hours the examinee slept last night.
Current Neighborhood Wealth Average wealth of the examinee's neighborhood.
Job change is a step up? Examinee's opinion on whether or not his/her job change is a step up.
Social Number of times the examinee socializes in a given time period.
Lift Weights Number of times the examinee lifts weights in a given time period.
Aerobics Number of times the examinee does aerobics in a given time period.
Developmental Factors
Elementary School Quality The quality of the examinee's elementary school (as a child).
Neighborhood Wealth as a Child Average wealth of the examinee's neighborhood (as a child).
Mother's Highest Years of Education The highest education level of the examinee’s mother.
Father's Highest Years of Education The highest education level of the examinee’s father.

Mother's Highest Occupation

The highest occupation level of the examinee’s mother.

Father's Highest Occupation

The highest occupation level of the examinee’s father.




Raw Score tab

Use the Test of Premorbid Functioning record form to score items and obtain the total raw score. The raw score can then be entered into Q-global.