For the WRAML3 Brief Form and Standard Form, there is an Overview tab and Subtests tab under Assessment Details for the examinee. Refer to the sections below for additional details about the Overview and Subtests tabs.
The Overview tab includes an Administration Settings section and an Assessment Demographics section for both WRAML3 forms and includes the fields as listed below.
The Administration Settings section contains general administration information.
The Assessment Demographics section primarily captures optional demographics details.
Field Name |
Description |
The examinee’s race/ethnicity. If “Other” is selected, a text field is displayed, and a response must be entered. |
Handedness |
The examinee's handedness (preference for the use of the left or right hand). |
WRAML3 Brief Form
Use the WRAML3 Administration Manual to score subtest items and obtain the total raw score and process scores for each subtest.
Subtest |
Raw Score Range |
Story Memory Ages 5–9 Story A. Paul’s Birthday
Story B. Garden Helper
Ages 10–90 Story C. Lost and Found
Story D. Grandma’s Visit
Story Memory Delayed Ages 5–9 Story A. Paul’s Birthday
Story B. Garden Helper
Ages 10–90 Story C. Lost and Found
Story D. Grandma’s Visit
Design Learning All ages
Design Learning Delayed All ages
Story Memory Recognition Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Design Learning Recognition All ages
WRAML3 Standard Form
Use the WRAML3 Administration Manual to score subtest items and obtain the total raw score and process scores for each subtest.
Subtest |
Raw Score Range |
Picture Memory Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Picture Memory Delayed Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Story Memory Ages 5–9 Story A. Paul’s Birthday
Story B. Garden Helper
Ages 10–90 Story C. Lost and Found
Story D. Grandma’s Visit
Story Memory Delayed Ages 5–9 Story A. Paul’s Birthday
Story B. Garden Helper
Ages 10–90 Story C. Lost and Found
Story D. Grandma’s Visit
Design Learning All ages
Design Learning Delayed All ages
Verbal Learning Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Verbal Learning Delayed Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Finger Windows All ages
Number Letter All ages
Picture Memory Recognition Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Story Memory Recognition Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Design Learning Recognition All ages
Verbal Learning Recognition Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Visual Working Memory Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
Sentence Memory All ages
Verbal Working Memory Ages 5–9
Ages 10–90
All responses are optional.
The age of the examinee will be calculated against the Assessment Date and validated that it is within the age range for the WRAML3. The age range applicable for the WRAML3 is 5:0 to 90:11.
If the Back link is clicked without a saved record, a message will appear to confirm the navigation and ask whether the user would like to stay on the page.
Clicking Save updates saves the record.
When data entry is complete, click Proceed to Reports to save the record and generate a report.
When the record is saved, the system checks to ensure all the required data has been entered. If any data needed for scoring is missing or invalid, error messages and/or warnings will be displayed in the Overview tab. The Overview tab will be marked with a red flag when errors or warnings are present. The record will be saved with a status of “Needs Editing” when errors or warnings are present. Once the error condition is corrected, the error message and flag will be removed the next time the record is saved.