Examinee Details  


The examinee details page provides additional information for an examinee such as demographic data, assigned assessments, examinee history for various interpretive reports and evaluation data for research and development (not required).  





Editing an Examinee


  1. Click the Edit button.

  2. Complete the updates to the examinee record.

  3. Click Save.


Managing Assessments


See Managing Assessments for information on how to assign, delete and unassign assessments.


Generate a Report


  1. Click the check box next to the Assessment Name.
  2. Click the Generate Report button.
  3. Select the Report from the drop down menu. The report configuration page will display.
  4. Select the various report settings.
  5. Click Generate Report.


Note: Only assessments with a status of 'Ready for Reporting' or 'Report Generated' can be used in a report.