Entering BSS Scores

The BSS® is a 21-item, self-report instrument that clinicians can use to detect and measure the severity of suicidal ideation in adults and adolescents. It was designed to parallel the content of the Scale for Suicide Ideation (Beck, 1979). The BSS is a clinical rating instrument which has been used since 1970 for assessing suicidal ideation in psychiatric examinees. The BSS measures a broad spectrum of attitudes and behaviors that clinicians routinely consider when assessing examinee suicide risk; it also reveals specific suicidal characteristics which require greater clinical scrutiny. The BSS is recommended for use with examinees aged 17 and older.


The BSS on Q-global has Manual Entry, On-Screen Administration, Remote On-Screen Administration, and Video Proctoring. There is an Overview tab and an Item Entry tab.


Overview Tab

Administration Settings

This section contains general administration information such as administration date, age at administration, and examiner.


Assessment Demographics

This section contains the assessment demographics listed in the table. There is an Administrator section and an Examinee section. All of the fields are optional entry.

Field Name



Administered by

The name of the individual administering the assessment.


Administration language

The language of the individual administering the assessment.

Marital status

The marital status of the examinee.


The education level of the examinee.


The most recent occupation of the examinee.


Item Entry Tab

Field Name


Show Item Text

Use this toggle to display the item text.

Show Input Key

Use this toggle to display the item response alternatives.

Item Entry fields

Item responses for the BSS assessment.


Command Buttons

When you click the Proceed to Reports or Save updates button, the assessment is saved and the system checks to ensure all the required data has been entered. If any required data is missing, the record will be saved and a message will be displayed at the top of the screen describing the condition(s) that must be resolved before a report can be generated for the record.


Item Entry Verification

Item Entry Verification is available for this assessment.


On-Screen Administration/Remote On-Screen Administration

For more information on administering the BSS through On-Screen Administration click here. For more information on administering the BSS through Remote On-Screen Administration, click here.


Video Proctoring Administration

For more information on administering the BSS through Video Proctoring click here.